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Recognize Excellence: Nominate a Deserving Peer

MORS’ prizes and awards call attention to excellence, advances in the field and individuals of distinction. Click on each individual award or prize to learn more information and to see the listing of previous winners. Contact with any questions.

Annual Prizes

Richard H. Barchi Prize: The Barchi Prize invites nominated presenters from the most recent MORS Symposium (MORSS) to submit written papers, and recognizes outstanding quality among these submissions.

David Rist Prize: The Rist Prize recognizes the practical benefit sound operations research can have on real life decision making, and seeks the best implemented military operations research study from those submitted in response to a call for entries. 

Eugene P. Visco Prize: The Eugene P. Visco Prize recognizes Junior Analyst presenters at the annual Emerging Techniques Forum for excellence in research quality, contribution, and caliber. Early career and Junior Analysts conducting impactful, technically rigorous, and multi-disciplinary research are highly encouraged to apply! Deadline: ETF registration.

Annual Student Awards

Dr. James T. Moore Graduate Research PrizeMORS presents a Graduate Research Prize to an OR student in the graduating class at the Air Force Institute of Technology (AFIT). The Operational Sciences faculty at AFIT establishes the specific standards for the Prize and selects the winner for each class.

The Tisdale Graduate Research Prize: MORS presents a Graduate Research Prize to an OR student in the graduating class at the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). The OR faculty at NPS establish the specific standards for the Prize and select the winner for each class.

Student Competition

Richard E. Rosenthal Student Competition: A prized feature of the MORS Education and Professional Development (EPD) Colloquium, the Richard E. Rosenthal Student Competition is a “quick reaction analysis” competition which allows students from all participating institutions to work on an OR problem together, demonstrate their skills and learn different ways to approach a problem toward a team solution.