Community of Practices (CoP): CoPs are formed to continue discussions from the annual Symposium and Special Meetings. Meeting monthly and virtually, this is an excellent way to enhance your professional development and get involved in MORS with a limited time commitment.
Continuing Education: Monitor, report, and recommend to the Board of Directors on continuing educational developments affecting military operations research. Provide the MORS membership with continuing education, certification programs, and professional development opportunities.
Heritage: Members of the Heritage Committee should be interested in conducting interviews and writing articles for publications, as one of the major roles of the committee centers on the production of oral histories for MORS and the larger analytical community.
Membership: Members of the Society include a cross-section of the best defense analysts, operators and managers from government, industry and academia. The involvement of such a wide range of practitioners and theoreticians fosters professional interchange within the national defense research community.
Publications: MORS offers a wide range of publications for MORSians to research and contribute to including the Phalanx Magazine, professional Journals, and books.
Interested in being featured in the Phalanx as a Junior Analyst? Highlighting the achievements, interests and aspirations of young analysts, we spotlight one deserving individual in every issue of the Phalanx. If interested email: You can check out the latest JA spotlight in the Phalanx online.
Mentorship Program: The Mentorship program is just one more way our Society helps to groom the profession’s future. Join our online program today to network, learn from your peers, and enhance your professional skills as a national security research analyst.