Certificate in Cyber Wargaming

Certificate in Wargaming

Certificate in Cyber Wargaming
31 March - 4 April 2025
1000 to 1800 ET 
5 Day Course
Online (Zoom)

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The MORS Certificate in Cyber Wargaming examines the challenges of gaming cyber through a combination of lectures and practical exercises. Lectures will focus on games and game design, along with the application of game design to cyber issues. Practical exercises will give participants the chance to experience different types of cyber games, allowing them to assess requirements, plan budgets, practice response procedures, and examine player actions during play. These games will place them in decision-making roles during a simulated real-world problem—be it historical, contemporary, or projected into the future—and are currently used by decision makers within government, industry, and academia to examine policy issues and outcomes. At the end of the course, students will research, design, and present their own cyber game.


Our expert instructors will introduce participants to the various ways that game design can be used to address the challenges of cyber operations and policy. Participants will:

  • Learn how to think about cyber technology and processes to build effective games
  • Build an understanding of how to represent cyber capabilities in games, including how to match the technical layers of game play with operational and strategic layers
  • Build games directly addressing cyber operations
  • Develop an awareness of the gaming tools available for cyber, and begin to associate specific game techniques with various cyber gaming requirements


Course Topics
Introduction to Gaming
Cyber Warfare
Game Design Fundamentals
Cyber Frameworks
Tactical Cyber Games
Operational and Strategic Cyber Games
Matrix GamesDay 1


Dr. John Curry
John Curry

Dr. John Curry is a senior lecturer in games development and cyber security at Bath Spa University, in the UK. He has an international reputation in conflict simulations and has worked with many of the key personalities in the field. He has authored/ co-authored/ edited more than 100 books on various aspects of wargaming. He co-authored The Handbook of Cyber Wargames: Wargaming the 21st Century, edited Graham Longley Brown's Successful Professional Wargames: A Practitioner's Handbook, editor of Peter Perla's Art of Wargaming (2nd edition) and co-authored Matrix Games for Modern Wargaming. Read More

Lt Col James "Pigeon" Fielder, USAF (ret.)
Lt Col James 'Pigeon' Fielder, USAF (ret.)

Retired Lieutenant Colonel and Associate Professor of Political Science at the U.S. Air Force Academy

James "Pigeon" Fielder joined CSU as an Instructor after retiring from the U.S. Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel and Associate Professor of Political Science at the U.S. Air Force Academy. He is also serving as a Marine Corps University Non-Resident Krulak Fellow for academic years 2021-2023, is the professional and educational gaming lead for Mobius Worlds Publishing, and consults on organizational wargaming, crisis response exercises, and scenario planning. Read More

Dr. Nina Kollars
Dr. Nina Kollars

Dr. Nina Kollars is a former adjunct senior fellow for the Defense Program. Associate Professor in the Cyber & Innovation Policy Institute (CIPI) within the Naval War College. Kollars is a scholar of future warfighting, military technological change, innovation, cybersecurity, and cyber warfare/information operations.

Dr. Roger Mason
Headshot of Dr. Roger Mason

Dr. Roger Mason retired after 29 years of public safety experience in Los Angeles County. For the past fifteen years he has specialized in emergency management and the development of wargames and exercises. 

He has designed over 50 emergency management and public safety wargames and hybrid game/functional exercises. His clients include National Defense University, Penn State University, the University of Hawaii, the US Army, and the CNA Corporation. Dr. Mason has served as the wargaming professor for the Institute for Intelligence Analysis, Juan Carlos University, Madrid Spain. Read More

Dr. Ed McGrady
Dr. Ed McGrady Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for New American Security Instructor and Course Coordinator on Gaming, Military Operations Research Society Principal, MonksHood Media LLC

Dr. McGrady writes, speaks, and teaches on the design of professional games. He is an adjunct senior fellow in gaming at CNAS, teaches and manages game design courses for MORS/Virginia Tech, and runs a business devoted to using games and game techniques to bring innovative experiences in new areas. His recent book, Roll to Save: Gaming Disease Response, describes designing games in support of public health professionals. Read More

Mr. Peter (Pete) Pellegrino
Peter (Pete) Pellegrino

A retired naval officer, Peter (Pete) Pellegrino served as the Game Division Director of the War Gaming Department at the US Naval War College, where he also taught electives on war gaming, game design and strategic game theory.

Pete is a regular contributor to Junior General (www.juniorgeneral.org), a website dedicated to promoting the use of historical simulations as a tool for teaching history by providing free games that make use of historical miniatures (paper or plastic toy soldiers), maps and counters, and matrix arguments.

Mr. Phil Pournelle
Phil Pournelle

After 26 Years in the Navy, and eight years conducting Net Assessments, Mr. Pournelle joined Group W. He constantly seeks to analyze national defense strategies and conduct Net Assessments employing multi-method approaches.

Mr. Pournelle has extensive experience in analytic and managerial aspects of strategic studies within the national security apparatus. His national security experience includes expertise in contingency planning, wargaming, modeling, simulation, & analysis and assessment and he received his Master's degree from the Naval Postgraduate School in Operations Research.

Mr. Paul Vebber
Paul Vebber

Specialties: Wargame Design, Execution, and Analysis; Operations Research; Concept Development & Experimentation; Philosophy and Application of Complexity Science

To employ over 30 years of military operations, operations research, and wargaming experience in support of the development of an effective undersea warfare force through the disciplined application of both analytic and synthetic methods within the "Cycle of Research" (Perla 1990) framework. Read More


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Employer Member Non-Member
MORS Government Sponsor*  $2,700  $2,800
U.S. Federal Government  $2,800  $2,900
National Research Partner
(IDA Employees Only)
 $2,755  $2,850
 All Others  $2,900  $3,000

*Government Sponsor organizations include: Center for Army Analysis, HQDA/DCS Program G-8; Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration; Naval Operations, N81; Secretariat of the Air Force, Studies and Analysis SAF/SA; OSD, A&S; and DHS S&T/OSE/ORA