The Society promotes the following Code of Ethics for its members.
Military and National Security OR Professionals must aspire to be:
- Honest, open and trustworthy in all their relationships.
- Reliable and consistent in the conduct of assignments and responsibilities, always doing what is right rather than expedient.
- Objective, constructive and responsive in all work performed.
- Truthful, complete and accurate in what they say and write.
- Accountable for what they do and choose not to do.
- Respectful of the work of others, giving due credit and refraining from criticism of them unless warranted.
- Free from affiliation with others or with activities that would compromise them, their employers, or the Society.
More Information
Joint Ethics Regulation
DoD Joint Ethics Regulation - Chapter 3 - Activities with Non_Federal Entities (NFE)
GAO Rulings on Conference Fees