Gaming Emergency Response to Disease​ Course

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Gaming Emergency Response to Disease Course
3 Day Course
Online (Zoom)


The MORS Gaming Emergency Response to Disease Course is a three-day course focused on the application of professional games to problems associated with public health response. It covers pandemic response games—both national and international—as well as the problems of novel and unique organisms, biological warfare and terrorism, mental health, and chronic disease games.


Our expert instructors will teach participants how to identify unique and challenging aspects involved in designing games involving all elements of published health response, and provide solutions to these challenges. The course will incorporate current and emerging lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic response.


Day 1 Introduction: The Probelm of Disease Response
Game Design Fundamentals
Ways to Apply Games to Disease Response
Basic Biology and Epidemiology in Games
Day 2 Strategic, Operational, and Tactical Game Examples
Pandemic Tempest
Exercise: Nature or Nurture
Matrix Games
Exercise: Building a Disease Response Game
Day 3 Emergency Response Process
Disease and Emergency Response
Emergency Response Games
Exercise: Building Emergency Response Games
Exercise: Practicum and Discussion

Featured Speakers

Dr. Ed McGrady
Dr. Ed McGrady Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for New American Security Instructor and Course Coordinator on Gaming, Military Operations Research Society Principal, MonksHood Media LLC

Dr. McGrady writes, speaks, and teaches on the design of professional games. He is an adjunct senior fellow in gaming at CNAS, teaches and manages game design courses for MORS/Virginia Tech, and runs a business devoted to using games and game techniques to bring innovative experiences in new areas. His recent book, Roll to Save: Gaming Disease Response, describes designing games in support of public health professionals. Read More

Dr. Roger Mason
Dr. Roger Mason

Dr. Roger Mason retired after 29 years of public safety experience in Los Angeles County. For the past fifteen years he has specialized in emergency management and the development of wargames and exercises. 

He has designed over 50 emergency management and public safety wargames and hybrid game/functional exercises. His clients include National Defense University, Penn State University, the University of Hawaii, the US Army, and the CNA Corporation. Dr. Mason has served as the wargaming professor for the Institute for Intelligence Analysis, Juan Carlos University, Madrid Spain. Read More

Mr. Peter (Pete) Pellegrino
Mr. Peter Pellegrino

A retired naval officer, Peter (Pete) Pellegrino served as the Game Division Director of the War Gaming Department at the US Naval War College, where he also taught electives on war gaming, game design and strategic game theory.

Pete is a regular contributor to Junior General (, a website dedicated to promoting the use of historical simulations as a tool for teaching history by providing free games that make use of historical miniatures (paper or plastic toy soldiers), maps and counters, and matrix arguments.


The "Invoice Me" option can only be used for the registration fee. This option won't appear if you have social tickets, CEU courses or tutorials in your cart. If you need assistance registering please contact Ms. Sarah Madonia,

  Member Non-Member
MORS Government Sponsor* $1,620 $1,680
U.S. Federal Government $1,680 $1,740
National Research Partner
(IDA Employees Only)
$1,653 $1,710
All Others $1,740 $1,800

*Government Sponsor organizations include: Center for Army Analysis, HQDA/DCS Program G-8; Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration; Naval Operations, N81; Secretariat of the Air Force, Studies and Analysis SAF/SA; OSD, A&S; and DHS S&T/OSE/ORA