2019 AI and Autonomy

12-14 February 2019
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory
Kossiakoff Center
11100 Johns Hopkins Road
Laurel, MD 20723

Dr. Yuna Wong
Dr. George “Mark” Waltensperger
Mr. Don Timian


This special meeting on the AI and Autonomy or Autonomous Systems (AS) is to introduce DoD, DHS, and Allied analyst to key ideas, issues, and some of the many current applications for AI and AS.  Topics include an overview to AI and autonomy; examples of commercial and defense applications; international perspectives on AI and autonomy; and implications for the analyst community.  This meeting is being held at the unclassified level.


Ms. Mary J. Miller, Principal Deputy to the Director of Defense Research and Engineering for Research and Technology, OUSD (RE)
Link to bio

BG, Matthew Easley, USAR, Director, Army AI Task Force
Link to bio