Welcome to the 90th Military Operations Research Society Symposium! We are excited to announce that the 90th MORS Symposium will once again be an in-person event! We are fortunate to have the 90th MORS Symposium hosted by the Marine Corps University in Quantico, Virginia 13-16 June 2022 (abiding to any DoD and COVID-19 guidance and restrictions). The theme for the 90th MORS Symposium is “Innovative Analysts Supporting Integrated Deterrence.”
Since WWII, the United States has sought to deter aggression against its interests and partners across the globe. This Deterrence is not limited to the military sphere, as it involves all instruments of national power including informational, economic and technological domains. Thus, deterrence operations that influence adversarial behaviors must naturally be Integrated across all U.S. military services and federal agencies, leveraging both non-military and non-kinetic tools. It also must incorporate government, academic and industrial contributions from all allied nations. MORS’ Innovative Analysts support this strategy by creating scientific ideas and technological advances, highlighting them to the vibrant community at the MORS Symposium.
This event would not be possible without the commitment of our government sponsors, the collaboration with our industry and national research partners, the work of the MORS professional staff, and the devotion of our MORS volunteers. These volunteers and professional staff are working countless hours to ensure the 90th MORS Symposium is a great success. We are extremely thankful to the many individuals from various organizations who are contributing to the planning of the 90th MORS Symposium. We are especially thankful to the Marine Corps University for hosting the 90th MORS Symposium.
Our national and homeland security challenges remain at times elusive and challenging. We continue to reinforce a strong foundation based in sound operations research practice through events like the 90th Symposium. We are confident that we are putting our society and profession on a trajectory that will lead us to a bright future.
We’re so thankful that you are planning to attend the 90th MORS Symposium. We hope that you continue to think of MORS as your professional society, and as the Symposium as your preeminent professional development venue. We look forward to seeing you at the 90th MORS Symposium!
Mr. David Saranchak
MORS 56th President
Ms. Sarah Stewart
90th MORS Symposium Program Chair
Working Group Prospectus
Working Groups
WG 1
Strategic Operations National Security Analysis
WG 2
Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Advanced Explosives (CBRNE) Defense
WG 3
Infrastructure Analyses, Protection and Recovery
WG 4
Homeland Security, Homeland Defense and Civil Support
WG 5
Cyber Operations
WG 6
Command and Control (C2)
WG 7
Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance
WG 8
Space Acquisition, Testing and Operations
WG 9
Air and Missile Defense
WG 10
Joint Campaign Analysis
WG 11
Land and Expeditionary Warfare
WG 12
Maritime Operations
WG 13
Power Projection and Strike
WG 14
Air Warfare
WG 15
Health Service Support, Force Health Protection, and Casualty Estimation
WG 16
Strategic Deployment and Distribution
WG 17
Logistics, Reliability and Maintainability
WG 18
Manpower and Personnel
WG 19
WG 20
Analytic Support to Training and Education
WG 21
Operational Energy
WG 22
Military Assessments
WG 24
Test and Evaluation (T&E) and Experimentation
WG 25
AoAs and Capability Development
WG 26
Cost Analysis
WG 27
Decision Analysis
WG 28
Advances in Modeling and Simulation Techniques
WG 29
Computational Advances in OR
WG 30
WG 31
Operational Environments
WG 32
Special Operations and Irregular Warfare
WG 33
Social Science Methods and Applications
WG 34
Data Science and Analytics
WG 35
AI and Autonomous Systems
Distributed Working Groups
Emerging Operations Research
Unmanned Systems
Focus Session
FS 1
Analytic Capability Development
Other Sessions
OS 1
OS 1
OS 1
Special Session
Keynote Speaker
Lieutenant General Karsten S. Heckl
Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command; Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration
Lieutenant General Karsten Heckl currently serves as the Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command, and the Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration.
Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command; Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration
Lieutenant General Karsten Heckl currently serves as the Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command, and the Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration.
A native of Stone Mountain Georgia, Lieutenant General Heckl graduated from Georgia State University and was commissioned in April 1988. He was designated an unrestricted Naval Aviator in September 1990.
Lieutenant General Heckl commanded Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 162, which included a combat tour in Iraq in 2008 and Marine Aviation Weapons and Tactics Squadron One (MAWTS-1) in 2010. From June 2018 to July 2020 he served as the Commanding General, 2d Marine Aircraft Wing, and subsequently assumed command of I Marine Expeditionary Force through September 2021.
As a CH-46E pilot, Lieutenant General Heckl deployed with Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron (HMM) 365 and HMM-263, and served as a CH-46E Instructor and Division Head at MAWTS-1, MCAS Yuma, AZ. Additionally, he was assigned as one of the initial cadre of pilots with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Training Squadron 204 (VMMT-204).
Staff assignments include CH-46E and MV-22 Requirements Officer, Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) Aviation Department, Washington DC; J3 Director of Operations, United States ForcesAfghanistan (USFOR-A), Kabul, Afghanistan; Senior Military Assistant and Marine Aide to the Secretary of the Navy; Assistant Deputy Commandant for Aviation, HQMC Aviation Department, Washington DC; Chief of Staff, Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO), Lisbon, Portugal.
Lieutenant General Heckl is a distinguished graduate of the Amphibious Warfare School (AWS) and the Naval War College.
90th Refund Policy:
The deadline to receive a full registration refund is 13 May. Beginning 14 May, no refunds will be given. Contact Ms. Sarah Madonia, sarah.madonia@mors.org, with any questions.
Register Now, Pay Later:
Take advantage of the option to register now and pay later with the “invoice me” option at checkout. The "Invoice Me" option can only be used for the registration fee. This option will display in the credit card dropdown menu on the checkout page. It won't appear if you have social tickets, CEU courses or tutorials in your cart. If you need assistance registering, please contact Ms. Sarah Madonia, sarah.madonia@mors.org.
MORS Government Sponsor*
MORS Government Sponsor*
US Federal Government
US Federal Government
National Research Partner
National Research Partner
All Others
All Others
*Government Sponsor organizations include Center for Army Analysis, HQDA/DCS Program G-8; Marine Corps Combat Development and Integration; Naval Operations, N81; Studies, Air Force Studies, Analyses, and Assessments, HQ AF/A9; OSD, A&S; and DHS S&T/OSE/ORA
Awards Dinner Registration
Join us as we recognize the 2020, 2021, and 2022 Prize and Award winners and newly elected Fellows! This event will be held during the week of the Symposium on Tuesday, 14 June, 6:30 at the United States Marine Corps Museum. There will be a cash bar and we'll be serving beef tenderloin. If you wish to have a vegetarian option, please make sure to note that when you register. The dress will be cocktail attire.