MOR Journal

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Editor: Dr. Edward A. Pohl, Dean of Graduate School and International Education & Professor of Industrial Engineering, University of Arkansas
Production Editor: Joan Taylor
Print ISSN 1082-5983 | Online ISSN 2163-2758

MOR Journal - Peer-reviewed Articles

Military Operations Research is a peer-reviewed journal of high academic quality. The Journal publishes articles that describe operations research (OR) methodologies and theories used in key military and national security applications. Of particular interest are papers that present:

  • Case studies showing innovative OR applications
  • Apply OR to major policy issues
  • Introduce interesting new problems areas
  • Highlight education issues
  • Document the history of military and national security OR

For guidance on how to publish an article, click here.


Associate Editors

Dr. Michael Atkinson, Naval Postgraduate School
Dr. Kash Barker, University of Oklahoma
Dr. Nathaniel Bastian, United States Military Academy
Dr. William Caballero, United States Air Force Academy
LTC Nicholas Clark, United States Military Academy
Dr. Mark Gallagher, FS, Air Force Institute of Technology
Dr. James Howard, Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Dr. Anthony Kaye, Air Force Nuclear Weapons Center
Dr. Marv King, III, U.S. Department of State
Dr. Brian Lunday, Air Force Institute of Technology
Dr. David Marlow, Australian Department of Defence, Defence Science and Technology Group
Dr. Cameron MacKenzie, Iowa State University
Dr. Matthew Powers, MITRE
Dr. Jonathan Ritschel, Air Force Institute of Technology
Dr. Matthew (JD) Robbins, Air Force Institute of Technology
Dr. Natalie Scala, Towson University,
Mr. Harrison Schramm, Naval Postgraduate School
Dr. Robert Sheldon, Group W, Inc.
Dr. Jay Simon, American University
Dr. Keith Womer, University of Missouri, St. Louis



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